Thursday, September 13, 2007

Rough day

Don't know why, exactly, but today I just couldn't get out of the mental funk I was in. I slept late, didn't feel like doing anything, and just generally moped. I hate when I do that! It was a real effort to do anything constructive, and I kept hitting snags when I did. Argh.
Oddly enough, things did seem to improve this evening. I got a call from the fellow from Marriage Makers, and that was good. Again, it's not going to be immediate income, but I think it'll be something good to build on.
I've been chatting online with one of my dear "sisters". She's been checking on me nearly every day, bless her. She's a long way from home, too, so we keep each other from getting too homesick.
Then, I got chatting with another SCA pal of mine, and he called to talk on the phone. Poor lad just had to bury his grandma, and he needed an ear. We gabbed for almost 45 minutes!
I did manage to make myself a late dinner, and of course the cats had to check it out. I guess they like bean and cheese quesadillas. Ghost was quite intrigued by the salsa. Come to think of it, she used to live in a Hispanic household, so maybe she really does like the stuff! Hope I can get the kitties some gooshyfood soon. I wouldn't want to be on a kibble-only diet!
I've been catching up on some reading, too. Tonight I started a book called "A Pagan's Nightmare" by Ray Blackston. Interesting bit of speculative fiction. Basic premise is a "reverse rapture" - all but a handful of non-evangelicals have suddenly disappeared. The 'Zealots' have changed everything; song lyrics, fast food, etc. They are hunting down the remaining 'Unfortunate ones'. Oddly enough, the book has some rather comic moments, especially since the parallel plot is what happens to the agent who's trying to marked the book you're reading... I'm only halfway through, so I don't know how it ends! Read it yourself!
Other books lately are "Sex with Kings" and "Sex with the Queen", a pair of historical non-fiction books about the infidelities of royalty through the centuries. Mostly European, from medieval to modern. Very well written, and not tawdry at all.
I'm also working my way through a book called "Listen to the Drum: Blackwolf Shares His Medicine" by Blackwolf Jones. Interesting, but definitely a participation book. Not sure yet if it's going to be a good fit for me, but it's worth looking into.
Other than that, no developments. I'm gonna have to call Home Depot if I don't hear from them soon. I'm still trying to figure out how to get some immediate income. I'd really like to be able to go to the ASFA meeting tomorrow night, but unless I can come up with some gas money, it's not going to happen. Wish me luck!


Lady Di said...

ok I joined just so I could leave you messages

first, sorry to hear about your funk - I hate it when I get into those!!!

next, have you thought about selling plasma. I've done it several times, not gonna get rich but it helps in a pinch! and it's really simple to do, only takes a bit of time, and you can meet some interesting people (sorta like spending time in a pub)

~~ :Di ~~

Harriet said...

Yeah, but there's no place here, just Abq. Plus I gave blood only two weeks ago.