Saturday, February 16, 2008

Quick update

Still no work. Still putting in applications and resumes, two or three a day minimum. Getting very discouraged and worried. The month is half over, and I've got bugger all to show for it, it seems.
On the plus side, today is Rugby Day at Two Fools Tavern, so that'll be fun to hang out at. I get to go out with some friends tonight, too.
Last night was filking night, at another friend's house. We sat around and talked, sang and had fun. Not a bad way to spend an evening. Didn't make it to the pub afterwards, though, I was too tired.
I'm wondering if I still have some low-level bug floating around in my system. I'm not sick enough to feel sick, but my temperature's up by a degree or so and I'm feeling cold and lethargic lately. It's more annoying than anything else. I've got too much to do to be dealing with this on top of it all!
Guess I'd better get started....

1 comment:

Mishalak said...

Still job hunting here as well. I halfway think that I need to actually need to sit down with someone who does hiring and ask what will get me a job.