Thursday, September 11, 2008

The reincarnation meme

For those who know me, this will come as no surprise...

Your result for Reincarnation Placement Exam...

Gypsy Camp

You sing! You dance! You flee from the authorities!

You were a bit difficult to place, because you like civilization and humanity -- but when it comes to work, you don't really fit into the system, the ruts and the rituals, that modern civilization embraces. You like your own ways... your old ways.

We've placed you among a hardy Gypsy family. They'll have you plucking a violin before you can talk, and dancing before you can walk. The road is your home, and your horses are members of your family. You get to wear lots of shiny things.

We expect that you'll have a good life. Even if your people are surrounded by a world where they don't really fit in, they have each other, an oasis of compatibility in an unbalanced world. We know you'll make the most of it!

Take Reincarnation Placement Exam at HelloQuizzy

Thursday, September 4, 2008

August wore me out!

Sorry, all, I'd really meant to post before this, but what with Bubonicon and work and everything else....
The con went well, my birthday not so much, and work
The rest of life is a mixed bag, and there's some stuff going on that I'm debating whether or not to blog about. I'm ambivalent, because even though I don't think it would hurt the others in the tale, I'm still not sure of the effect on my readers. Presuming I have any, that is.

Work is gonna get a bit suckier this next week. My schedule is now not only the opposite of what I wanted, but what I got wasn't even on the bid list when I filled it out! I'll be working 12:30 to 9:00 p.m., *if* I get out on time, and my days off will be Sunday and Tuesday. If it weren't for the queue being closed on Sundays, I'd probably end up working those, too. So, now I won't be able to get to my meetings, even the ones on Saturdays. Social life? Down the shitter at this rate. And I was actually starting to have a social life, too, dammit.

On the plus side, I do have some paid time off earned at long last, and will be using it in October. I've got a weekend trip to Indiana the first weekend (friend's wedding, she bought the ticket!), and Mile Hi Con in Denver the last weekend. Also, friends coming into town for a meeting halfway through the month. Whee...

This Sunday is Pagan Pride Day. I'll be in the ritual for the event, helping run a booth, and telling a story to the kids' corner. Busy day, but should be fun. Luckily, it also won't cost any money. Unlike the state fair, which starts tomorrow. I'd like to go, but there's an admission charge. Oh, well.

More another time when I have the energy.