Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's official...I have work again.

I start Monday evening, working at an incoming call center. There's 3 weeks of paid training and then I get a regular schedule. For now, it's 2nd shift for the classes, and after that, who knows? Pay's decent enough, and I still have time to get a part-time job on top of it. I am still looking for other income sources, of course.
At least things are looking up a bit now. Hopefully, I'll be able to not only catch up but have enough to save up for "con season"!
I am very relieved.


Mishalak said...

Hurah! Hurah! Hurah!

That's all I have so say.

Lady Di said...

In case you're wondering....I did make a special wish for you on the lunar eclipse moon. Not sure if I'm supposed to wish on a moon, but since my name is Diana, Goddess of the Moon, I didn't think it would hurt.

Love and kindness to you ~~ :Di ~~