Thursday, January 31, 2008


I hate getting sick. Especially when it makes me miss work, and leaves me feeling like I've been beaten with a blunt object. Hopefully it was just a 24-hour bug, but I think it worked overtime, because it started Tuesday evening and I'm still not back up to par. I did manage to eat tonight, which is a good sign. I'll spare you the rest of the details, unless you happen to read my LJ, and even it's not too graphic.
The weather is cold again, and I think the front thermostat is acting up because it was only 55 in the frontroom this morning! I checked tonight, and tried resetting it again. If it doesn't straighten out, I'll have to call the landlord. Phooey.
Both my phones are out, apparently, and it'll be at least next week till I can get comcast paid. Rent's due this week, and missing a day of work last week due to weather didn't help at all. I'll make it, but it'll be tight, and another no-frills week for me. As long as I can stay healthy, I'm fine.
I have my little party coming up on Saturday, and it looks like most of the people I invited will be able to make it. It'll be nice to have people over, and I'm looking forward to it.
My pot of tea is finished, so time to leave the cafe and head home to bed.

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